sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Spoilers de Greg Yaitanes

Greg Yaitanes publicó en su Twitter la salida de los próximos 12 episodios, Aqui la lista:

6x06 - 19.10.2009
6x07 - 09.11.2009
6x08 - 16.11.2009
6x09 - 23.11.2009
6x10 - 30.11.2009
6x11 - 11.01.2010
6x12 - 25.01.2010
6x13 - 01.02.2010
6x14 - 08.02.2010
6x15 - 01.03.2010
6x16 - 15.03.2010
6x17 - 22.03.2010
6x18 - 05.04.2010
6x19 - 19.04.2010
6x20 - 03.05.2010
6x21 - 10.05.2010
6x22 - 17.05.2010 Season Finale

Preguntas y Respuestas (También de Twitter)

Who picks the music?
Respuesta: Katie Jacobs and Gary Calamar

Upcoming Hilson ep?
Ep 7, 10 and 11

Ep 7 and on

Ep. 8

Lisa on Twitter?
Never happen

Hugh on Twitter?

Robert Sean Leonard?
Doubt It

Can you post a picture of Hugh?
Can´t. FOX get up in my grill about that

When and How Jenn is coming back?
See David Shore interview in TV Guide

Who is writing what??
Ep 6 Kaplow, Ep 7 Egan and Lewis, Ep 8 Attie, Ep 9 Hoselton, Ep 10 Foster, Ep 11 Friedman and Hess, Ep 12 Blake, Ep 13 Friend and Lerner.

Stephen Fry going to be on House?
No. Bones scooped him from us.

Are true the rumors that Salma Hayek will be in two House episodes?
Not true!

When will you start planning out the second half of the season?

Yes or No? Will we see anything else dealing with House’s father issues concerning either/both John House and his bio dad?
A bit.

Any chance of the return of (Evil) Nurse Brenda Previn? Or the Clinic!?
Not that i am aware.

Greg each week the episodes are better!!!!! Is True that Lydia coming back??
Someday. Not soon.

Do you think House loves Wilson?
Maybe. Be sure to watch ep11.

Aw, that’s too bad! To make me feel better, could you tell me what?eps so far you think will make H/W fans happiest?
Today’s read through of ep11 was insanely fantastic for any Hilson fans.

That good!Cuddy is part of the drama! I think she should have more scenes! She is so funny even when this troublesome is funny OMG! This is becoming increasingly interesting! We have much Huddy?

Is there any chance of an epidemic type episode this year or is that classified?
You never know.

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